Papers (217)
Beuvens F. and Vanderdonckt J. : UsiGesture: Test and Evaluation of an Environment for Integrating Gestures in User Interfaces
Guerrero-García, J. and González-Calleros, J. : Multi-User Interaction Meta-Model
Escolar, J. R., G.Cachón, C., Marín, I., Vanderdonckt, J. and Motti V. : A model-based approach to generate connection- aware applications for the mobile web
Khaddam, I. and Vanderdonckt J. : Towards a Culture-Adaptable User-Interface Architecture
Mezhoudi, N. : User Interface Adaptation based on User Feedback and Machine Learning
Gabillon, Y., Calvary, G., Mandran, N. and Fiorino, H. : A need, no app: just do it! But do people support dynamic composition of interactive systems for fulfilling emergent needs?
Varela,G., Paz-Lopez,A., Becerra,J. A. and Duro,R. J. : The Generic Interaction Protocol: Increasing portability of distributed physical user interfaces
Ceret,E., Garci Frey, A., Dupuy-Chessa,S. and Calvary G. : Sustaining Designers' and Users' Quality of Life in the Paradigm of Plastic UIs
Vareka G?n Oar-Lopez A., Becerra J.A. and Duro R.J. : The Generic Interaction Protocol: Increasing portability of distributed physical user interfaces
Melchior, J., Vanderdonckt, J., Van Roy, P. : Distribution Primitives for Distributed User Interfaces
Garcia Frey, A., Calvary, G., Dupuy-Chessa, S. : Users need your models! Exploiting Design Models for Explanations
Dittmar, A., Garcia-Frey, A., Dupuy-Chessa, S. : What can Model-Based UI Design offer to End-User Software Engineering?
Garcia Frey, A., Cé́ret, E., Dupuy-Chessa, S., Calvary, G., Gabillon, Y. : UsiComp: an Extensible Model-Driven Composer
Vellis, G., Kotsalis, D., Akoumianakis, D., Vanderdonckt, J. : Model-based engineering of multi-platform, synchronous & collaborative UIs Extending UsiXML for polymorphic user interface specification
Vanderdonckt, J., Genaro Motti, V. : A review of Animation Techniques for User Interface Design
Tesoriero, R., Lozano, M.D., Vanderdonckt, J., Gallud, J.A., Penichet, V.M.R. : Distributed User Interfaces: Collaboration and Usability
Beuvens, F. and Vanderdonckt, J. : UsiGesture: an Environment for Integrating Pen-Based Interaction in User Interfaces
Beuvens, F. and Vanderdonckt, J. : Designing Graphical User Interfaces Integrating Gestures
Jérémie Melchior, Jean Vanderdonckt and Peter Van Roy : Modelling and Developing Distributed User Interfaces based on Distribution Graph
Sergio Arzola-Herrera, Josefina Guerrero-García, Juan Manuel González-Calleros, Claudia Zepeda-Cortés : Formal definition of collaborative spaces
Thanh-Diane Nguyen, Jean Vanderdonckt : User Interface Master Detail Pattern on Android
Ugo Braga Sangiorgi, François Beuvens and Jean Vanderdonckt : User Interface Design by Collaborative Sketching
Ugo Braga Sangiorgi, Sophie Dupuis, Jean Vanderdonckt : Electronic Sketching on a Multi-platform Context: A Pilot Study with Developers
Ugo Braga Sangiorgi, Vivian Genaro Motti, François Beuvens, Jean Vanderdonckt : Assessing Lag Perception in Electronic Sketching
Vanderdonckt, Jean : Animated Transitions for Empowering Interactive Information Systems
Vi Tran, Jean Vanderdonckt, Ricardo Tesoriero and François Beuvens : Systematic Generation of Abstract User Interfaces
Josefina García-Guerrero, Juan González-Calleros, Jean Vanderdonckt : A Comparative Analysis of Task Modeling Notations
Josefina Guerrero-García, Juan Manuel González-Calleros, Jean Vanderdonckt : Workflow User Interfaces Patterns
Dessart, Ch.-E., Genaro Motti, V., Vanderdonckt, J. : Animated Transitions between User Interface Views
Nguyen, T.-D. : A Pattern-based Approach to Support the Design of Multi- Platform User Interfaces of Information Systems
Céspedes-Hernández, D., González Calleros, J.M., Guerrero García, J., Vanderdonckt, J., Rodríguez-Vizzuett, L. : Methodology for the Development of Vocal User Interfaces
Meixner, G., Paterno, F., Vanderdonckt, J. : Past, Present, and Future of Model-Based User Interface Development
Genaro Motti, V., Vanderdonckt, J : Context Aware Adaptation of User Interfaces
Calvary, G., de Wasseige, O., Faure, D., Vanderdonckt, J. : User Interface eXtensible Markup Language SIG
Khaddam, I., Vanderdonckt, J. : Flippable User Interfaces for Internationalization
Sousa, K., Vanderdonckt, J. : Business Performer-Centred Design of User Interfaces
Genaro Motti, V., Vanderdonckt, J. : Multi-Dimensional Context-Aware Adaptation for Web Applications, in “Current Trends in Web Engineering
Coyette, A., Faure, D., González-Calleros, J., Vanderdonckt, J. : Software Support for User Interface Description Language
Gallud, J.A., Vanderdonckt, J., Tesoriero, R., Lozano, M.D., Penichet, V.M.R., Botella, F. : Distributed User Interfaces
Sousa, K., Mendonça, H., Lievyns, A., Vanderdonckt, J. : Getting Users Involved in the Alignment of their Needs with Business Processes Models and Systems
Mbaki, E., Vanderdonckt, J. : Model-Driven Engineering of Behaviors for User Interfaces in Multiple Contexts of Use
Melchior, J., Vanderdonckt, J., Van Roy, P. : A Model-Based Approach for Distributed User Interfaces
Dessart, Ch.-E., Motti, V., Vanderdonckt, J. : Showing User Interface Adaptivity by Animated Transitions
Melchior, J. : Distributed User Interfaces in Time and Space
García Frey, A., Céret E., Dupuy-Chessa, S., Calvary, G. : QUIMERA: A Quality Metamodel to Improve Design Rationale
Genaro Motti, V. : A Computational Framework for Multi-Dimensional Context-aware Adaptation
García Frey, A., Céret E., Dupuy-Chessa, S., Calvary, G. : QUIMERA Toward an unifying quality metamodel
Juan Manuel Gonzalez-Calleros, Jean Vanderdonckt, Andreas Lüdtke, Jan-Patrick Osterloh : Towards Model-Based AHMI Development
Coyette, A., Vanderdonckt, J. : Prototyping Digital, Physical, and Mixed User Interfaces by Sketching
Suzanne Kieffer, Adrien Coyette, Jean Vanderdonckt : User Interface Design by Sketching: A Complexity Analysis of Widget Representations
Vanderdonckt, J., Montero, F. : Generative Pattern-Based Design of User Interfaces
Picard, C., Frisson, Ch., Vanderdonckt, J., Tardieu, D., Dutoit, Th. : Towards User-friendly Audio Creation
Schmieder, P., Plimmer, B., Vanderdonckt, J. : Generating systems from multiple sketched models
Sousa K., Mendonça H. and Vanderdonckt J. : Agent-Based User Interface Generation from Combined Task, Context and Domain models
Martinez-Ruiz, F.J., Vanderdonckt, J., Muñoz Arteaga, J. : TRIAD: Triad-based Rich Internet Application Design
de Lourdes Margain Fuentes, Ma., Muñoz Arteaga, J., Álvarez Rodríguez, F., Vanderdonkt, J. and Orey, M. : MIRROS: Intermediary Model to Recovery Learning Objects
Nathalie Aquino, Jean Vanderdonckt, Oscar Pastor : Transformation Templates: Adding Flexibility to Model-Driven Engineering of User Interfaces
Sophie LEPREUX , Jean VANDERDONCKT , Christophe KOLSKI : User Interfaces Composition with UsiXML
Khaddam, I., Vanderdonckt, J. : Adapting UsiXML User Interfaces to Cultural Background
Lawson, J.-Y.L., Vanderdonckt, J., Macq, B. : OpenInterface: A Lightweight Open Source Platform for Rapid Prototyping of Multimodal Applications
Sousa, K., Vanderdonckt, J. : Model-Driven Approach for User Interface-Business Alignment
Juan Manuel Gonzalez-Calleros, Jean Vanderdonckt and Jaime Muñoz-Arteaga : A structured approach to support 3D User Interface Development
Vi Tran, Jean Vanderdonckt, Manuel Kolp, Yves Wautelet : Generating User Interface for Information Applications from Task, Domain and User models with DB-USE
Juan Gonzalez-Calleros, Jean Vanderdonckt : A Model-Driven Approach for Developing 3D User Interfaces of Information Systems in a Principle–Based Way
Josefina Guerrero-Garcia, Jean Vanderdonckt : A Methodology for Developing User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems
Tesoriero, R., Vanderdonckt, J : Extending UsiXML to support User-aware Interfaces
Sousa K., Mendonça H. and Vanderdonckt J. : A Rule-Based Approach for Model Management in a User Interface – Business Alignment Framework
Garcıa Frey, A. : Self-explanatory User Interfaces by Model-Driven Engineering
Mendonça, H., Sousa, K., Vanderdonckt, J. : Service-Oriented Architecture for Supporting Collaborative User Interface Development
Garcıa Frey, A., Calvary, G., Dupuy-Chessa, S. : Self-Explanatory User Interfaces by Model-Driven Engineering
Garcıa Frey, A., Calvary, G., Dupuy-Chessa, S. : Xplain: an Editor for building Self-Explanatory User Interfaces by Model-Driven Engineering
Vanderdonckt, J. : Distributed User Interfaces: How to Distribute User Interface Elements across Users, Platforms, and Environments
Martínez-Ruiz, F.J., Vanderdonckt, J., Muñoz, J. : Weighting Task Procedure for Zoomable Task Hierarchy Modeling of Rich Internet Applications
Aquino, N., Vanderdonckt, J., Condori-Fernández, N., Dieste, Ó., Pastor, Ó. : Usability Evaluation of Multi-Device/Platform User Interfaces Generated by Model-Driven Engineering
Muñoz-Arteaga, J., Mendoza-Gonzalez, R., Martin, M.V., Vanderdonckt, J., Álvarez-Rodriguez, F. : A methodology for designing information security feedback based on User Interface Patterns
Guerrero-García, J., González-Calleros, J.M., Vanderdonckt, J., Muñoz-Arteaga, J. : A Theoretical Survey of User Interface Description Languages: Preliminary Results
Tran, V., Vanderdonckt, J., Faulkner, S. : Generating User Interface from Task, User and Domain Models
Martínez-Ruiz, F., Vanderdonckt, J., González-Calleros, J.M. : Model Driven Engineering of Rich Internet Applications Equipped with Zoomable User Interfaces
Vanderdonckt, J., Guerrero-Garcia, J., González-Calleros, J.M. : A Model-Based Approach for Developing Vectorial User Interfaces
Mendonça, H., Lawson, L., Vybornova, O., Macq, B., Vanderdonckt, J. : High Level Data Fusion on a Multimodal Interactive Application Platform
Melchior, J., Grolaux, D., Vanderdonckt, J., Van Roy, P : A Toolkit for Peer-to-Peer Distributed User Interfaces: Concepts, Implementation, and Applications
Sousa, K., Mendonça, H., Vanderdonckt, J. : Alignment of Business Processes and User Interfaces in the Context of Large Organizations
Lalanne, D., Nigay, L., Palanque, Ph., Robinson, P., Vanderdonckt, J., Ladry, J.-F. : Fusion Engines for Input Multimodal Interfaces: a Survey
González-Calleros, J.M., Guerrero-García, J., Vanderdonckt, J., Muñoz-Arteaga, J. : Towards Canonical Task Types for User Interface Design
Lawson, J.-Y., Al-Akkad A.-A., Vanderdonckt, J., Macq, B. : An Open Source Workbench for Prototyping Multimodal Interactions Based on Off-The-Shelf Heterogeneous Components
Chevalier, A., Fouquereau, N., Vanderdonckt, J. : L'influence d'un système à base de connaissances sur la créativité des concepteurs et l'esthétique des pages Web
Guerrero-García, J., González-Calleros, J.M., Vanderdonckt, J., Muñoz-Arteaga, J : (Extended)A Theoretical Survey of User Interface Description Languages: Preliminary Results
Helms, J., Schaefer, R., Luyten, K., Vermeulen, J., Abrams, M., Coyette, A. , Vanderdonckt, J. : Human-Centered Engineering with the User Interface Markup Language
Josefina Guerrero-García, Juan Manuel González-Calleros,Jean Vanderdonckt and Jaime Muñoz-Arteaga : A Theoretical Survey of User Interface Description Languages: Preliminary Results, Extended
Limbourg, Q., Vanderdonckt, J. : Multi-Path Transformational Development of User Interfaces with Graph Transformations
Pribeanu, C., Vanderdonckt, J. : A Pattern-Based Approach to User Interface Development
Michotte, B., Vanderdonckt, J. : GrafiXML, A Multi-Target User Interface Builder based on UsiXML
Collignon, B., Vanderdonckt, J., Calvary, G. : An Intelligent Editor for Multi-Presentation User Interfaces
Collignon, B., Vanderdonckt, J., Calvary, G. : Model-Driven Engineering of Multi-Target Plastic User Interfaces
Vanderdonckt, J. : Model-Driven Engineering of User Interfaces: Promises, Successes, and Failures
Guerrero, J., Vanderdonckt, J., Gonzalez Calleros, J.M. : FlowiXML: a Step towards Designing Workflow Management Systems
Stanciulescu, A., Vanderdonckt, J., Mens, T. : Colored Graph Transformation Rules for Model-Driven Engineering of Multi-Target Systems
Vanderdonckt, J., González Calleros, J.M. : Task-Driven Plasticity: One Step Forward with UbiDraw
Memmel, T., Reiterer, H. : Inspector: Interactive, UI Specification Tool
Demeure, A., Sottet, J.-S., Calvary, G., Coutaz, J., Ganneau, V., Vanderdonckt, J. : The 4C Reference Model for Distributed User Interfaces
Sousa, K., Mendonça, H., Vanderdonckt, J., Rogier, E., Vandermeulen, J. : User Interface Derivation from Business Processes: A Model-Driven Approach for Organizational Engineering
Kaklanis, N., González Calleros, J.M., Vanderdonckt, J., Tzovaras, D. : A Haptic Rendering Engine of Web Pages for Blind Users
Jureta, I., Faulkner, S., Vanderdonckt, J. : Engineering Pluripotent Information Systems
Guerrero, J., Vanderdonckt, J., Lemaigre, Ch. : Identification Criteria in Task Modeling
Guerrero, J., Vanderdonckt, J., Gonzalez Calleros, J.M., Winckler, M. : Modeling User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems
González Calleros, J.M., Stanciulescu, A., Vanderdonckt, J., Delacre, J.P., Winckler, M. : A Comparative Analysis of Tranformation Engines for User Interface Development
Guerrero García, J., Lemaigre, Ch., Vanderdonckt, J., González Calleros, J.M. : Model-Driven Engineering of Workflow User Interfaces
Martínez-Ruiz, J., González Calleros, J.M., Guerrero Garcia, J., Muñoz Arteaga, J., Vanderdonckt, J. : ECOOL: Generation of Collaborative Multiplatform Scenarios with Interactive Learning Objects
Muñoz Arteaga, J., Mendoza González, R., Vargas Martin, M., Vanderdonckt, J., Alvarez Rodriguez, F., González Calleros, J.M. : A Method to Design Information Security Feedback Using Patterns and HCI-Security Criteria
Sousa, K., Mendonça, H., Vanderdonckt, J. : User Interface Development Lifecycle for Business-Driven Entreprise Applications
Mbaki, E., Vanderdonckt, J., Guerrero, J., Winckler, M. : Multi-level Dialog Modeling in Highly Interactive Web Interfaces
Aquino, N., Vanderdonckt, J., Valverde, F., Pastor, O. : Using Profiles to Support Model Transformations in Model-Driven User Interfaces Development
Guerrero, J., Vanderdonckt, J., Lemaigre, Ch., González Calleros, J.M. : How to Describe Workflow Information Systems to Support Business Process
Muñoz Arteaga, J., Mendoza Gonzalez, R., Vanderdonckt, J. : A Classification of Security Feedback Design Patterns for Interactive Web Services
Memmel, T., Vanderdonckt, J., Reiterer, H. : Multi-fidelity User Interface Specifications
Sousa, K., Mendonça, H., Vanderdonckt, J. : A Model-Driven Approach to Align Business Processes with User Interfaces
Winckler, M., Trindade, F.M., Stanciulescu, A., Vanderdonckt, J. : Cascading Dialog Modeling with UsiXML
Martínez-Ruiz, J., Vanderdonckt, J., Muñoz Arteaga, J. : Context-aware Generation of User Interface Containers for a Mobile Device
Lemaigre, Ch., Guerrero, J., Vanderdonckt, J. : Interface Model Elicitation from Textual Scenarios
Molina Massó, J.P., González López, P., Vanderdonckt, J., García Jiménez, A.S., Martínez Plasencia, D. : A Space Model for 3D User Interface Development
Guerrero, J., Vanderdonckt, J., González Calleros, J.M., Winckler, M. : Towards a Library of Workflow User Interface Patterns
Kaklanis, N., Calleros, J.G., Vanderdonckt, J., Tzovaras, D. : Towards Haptically-enhanced widgets Based on a User Interface Description Language
Pederiva, I., Vanderdonckt, J., España, S., Panach, I., Pastor, O. : The Beautification Process in Model-Driven Engineering of User Interfaces
Coyette, A., Vanderdonckt, J., and Limbourg, Q. : SketchiXML: A Design Tool for Informal User Interface Rapid Prototyping
Víctor López Jaquero, Vanderdonckt, J., Montero, F., González, P. : ISATINE: Un Marco de Trabajo Para la Adaptación de Interfaces de Usuario
Víctor López Jaquero, Vanderdonckt, J., Montero, F., González, P : Towards an Extended Model of User Interface Adaptation: the ISATINE framework
Trindade, F. M. , Pimenta, M.S. : Prototyping Multi-platform Software Using the UsiXML4ALL Tool
Pribeanu, C. : Tool support for handling mapping rules from domain to task models
Sousa, K., Mendonça, H., Vanderdonckt, J. : Towards Method Engineering of Model-Driven User Interface Development
Coyette, A., Kieffer, S., Vanderdonckt, J. : Multi-fidelity Prototyping of User Interfaces
Vanderdonckt, J., Coyette, A. : Model, Methods, and Tools for Supporting Multi-fidelity Prototyping of Graphical User Interfaces
Sottet, J.-S., Calvary, G., Coutaz, J., Favre, J.-M., Vanderdonckt, J., Stanciulescu, A., Lepreux, S. : A Language Perspective on the Development of Plastic Multimodal User Interfaces
Lewandowski, A., Lepreux, S., Bourguin, G. : Tasks models merging for high-level component composition
Trindade, F. M. , Moreira, A.A.,Pimenta, M.S. : UsiXML4ALL - Uma Ferramenta para Criação de Aplicativos Multiplataforma
Coyette, A., Schimke, S., Vanderdonckt, J., Vielhauer, C. : Trainable Sketch Recognizer for Graphical User Interface Design
Vanderdonckt, J., Mendonça, H., Molina Massó, J.P. : Distributed User Interfaces in Ambient Environment
Stanciulescu, A., Vanderdonckt, J., Macq, B., : Automatic Usability Assessment of Multimodal User Interfaces Based on Ergonomic Rules
Vanderdonckt, J., Coutaz, J., Calvary, G., Stanciulescu, A. : Multimodality for Plastic User Interfaces: Models, Methods, and Principles, in “Multimodal user interfaces: from signals to interaction”
Schaefer,R. : A Survey on Transformation Tools for Model Based User Interface Development
Demeure, A., Calvary, G., Coutaz, J., Vanderdonckt, J. : The Comets Inspector: Towards Run Time Plasticity Control based on a Semantic Network 2007
Vanderdonckt, J., Coyette, A. : Vers un prototypage des interfaces graphiques incluant vraiment l'utilisateur final
Demeure, A., Calvary, G., Coutaz, J., Vanderdonckt, J. : The Comets Inspector: Towards Run Time Plasticity Control based on a Semantic Network-2006
Lepreux, S., Vanderdonckt, J., Michotte, B. : Visual Design of User Interfaces by (De)composition
Muñoz Arteaga, J., Martínez-Ruiz, J., Vanderdonckt, J., Ochoa, A. : Categorization of Rich Internet Applications based on Similitude Criteria
Sendín, M., Víctor López Jaquero, V., Collazos, C.A. : Framework de Plasticidad explícita: Hacia la Generación de IUS plásticas para entornos colaborativos
Lepreux, S., Vanderdonckt, J. : Towards Supporting User Interface Design by Composition Rules
Sendín, M., Collazos, C.A., Víctor López Jaquero : Framework de Plasticidad Explícita: Un Marco Conceptual de Generación de IUs Plásticas para entornos Colaborativos
Stanciulescu, A., Vanderdonckt, J. : Design Options for Multimodal Web Applications
Gonzalez, J.M., Vanderdonckt, J., Arteaga, J.M. : A Method for Developing 3D User Interfaces of Information Systems
Montero, F., López-Jaquero, V. : Fast HI-FI prototyping by using IdealXML
Trapp, M., Schmettow, M. : Consistency in use through Model based User Interface Development
Muñoz Arteaga, J., Martínez-Ruiz, J., Guerrero, J., Aguilar, H. : Una Clasificación de Patrones de Interacción para Dispositivos Móviles
Martínez-Ruiz, J., Muñoz Arteaga, J., Vanderdonckt, J. : Transformation of XAML schema for RIA using XSLT & UsiXML
Víctor López Jaquero, Montero, F., Molina, J.P., González, P. : Interfaces de Usuario Inteligentes: Pasado, Presente y Futuro
Pribeanu, C. : Task Modeling for User Interface Design – A Layered Approach
De Boeck, J., Gonzalez Calleros, J.M., Coninx, K., Vanderdonckt, J. : Open Issues for the development of 3D Multimodal Applications from an MDE perspective
Florins, M., Montero, F., Vanderdonckt, J., Michotte, B. : Splitting Rules for Graceful Degradation of User Interfaces
Molina, J.P., Vanderdonckt, J., González, P : Direct manipulation of User Interfaces for Migration
Florins, M., Montero, F., Vanderdonckt, J., Michotte, B. : Splitting Rules for Graceful Degradation of User Interfaces (bis)
Montero, F., López-Jaquero, V. : IdealXML: An Interaction Design Tool-A Task-Based Approach to User Interfaces Design
Molina, J.P., Vanderdonckt, J., González, P., Fernández-Caballero, A., Lozano, M.D. : Rapid Prototying of Distributed User Interfaces
Demeure, A., Calvary, G., Coutaz, J., Vanderdonckt, J. : The Comets Inspector: Manipulating Multiple User Interface Representations Simultaneously
Coyette, A., Vanderdonckt, J., and Limbourg, Q. : SketchiXML: An Informal Design Tool for User Interface Early Prototyping
Molina, J.P., García, A.S., Martínez, D., Manjavacas, F.J., Blasco, V., González, P. : An Interaction Model for the TRES-D Framework
Martínez-Ruiz, J., Muñoz Arteaga, J., Vanderdonckt, J., Gonzalez, J.M. : A First Draft of a Model-driven Method for Designing Graphical User Interfaces of Rich Internet Applications
de Lara, R.M. : Validation y Verificacion de Interfaces de Usuario en el Ambito Del Desarrollo Basado en Modelos
Vanderdonckt, J. : A MDA-Compliant Environment for Developing User Interfaces of Information Systems
Coyette, A., Vanderdonckt, J., Faulkner, S., Kolp, M. : Generating Abstract User Interfaces from an Informal Design
Pribeanu, C. : An Approach to Task Modeling for User Interface Design
Brogneaux, A.-F., Ramdoyal, R., Vilz, J., Hainaut, J.-L. : Deriving User-requirements from Human-Computer Interfaces
Stanciulescu, A., Limbourg, Q., Vanderdonckt, J., Michotte, B., Montero, F. : A Transformational Approach for Multimodal Web User Interfaces based on UsiXML
Coyette, A., Vanderdonckt, J. : A Sketching Tool for Designing Anyuser, Anyplatform, Anywhere User Interfaces
Bouillon, L., Limbourg, Q., Vanderdonckt, J., Michotte, B. : Reverse Engineering of Web Pages based on Derivations and Transformations
Grolaux, D., Vanderdonckt, J., Van Roy, P. : Attach me, Detach me, Assemble me like You Work
Montero, F., González, P., Lozano, M., Vanderdonckt, J. : Quality Models for Automated Evaluation of Web sites Usability and Accessibility
Víctor López Jaquero, V., Montero, F., Molina, J.P., González, P., Fernández-Caballero, A. : A Multi-Agent System Architecture for the Adaptation of User Interfaces
Molina, J.P., Vanderdonckt, J., Montero, F., González, P. : Towards Virtualization of User Interfaces based on UsiXML
Montero, F., Lozano, M.D., González, P. : IdealXML: an Experience-Based Environment for User Interface Design and pattern manipulation
Montero, F., Víctor López Jaquero, V., Vanderdonckt, J., Gonzalez, P., Lozano, M.D., Limbourg, Q. : Solving the Mapping Problem in User Interface Design by Seamless Integration in IdealXML
Vanderdonckt, J., Grolaux, D., Van Roy, P., Limbourg, Q., Macq, B., Michel, B. : A Design Space for Context-Sensitive User Interfaces
Pribeanu, C. : Towards a Pattern Language for UID
Libório, A., Furtado, E., Rocha, I., Furtado, V. : Geração de interfaces através de sistemas baseados em conhecimento: uma abordagem centrada em explicações de modelos de resolução de problemas
Libório, A., Furtado, E., Rocha, I., Furtado, V. : Interface design through knowledge-based systems: an approach centered on explanations from problem-solving models
Coyette, A., Faulkner, S., Kolp, M., Limbourg, Q., Vanderdonckt, J. : SketchiXML: Towards a Multi-Agent Design Tool for Sketching User Interfaces Based on UsiXML
Luyten, K., Abrams, M., Limbourg, Q., Vanderdonckt, J. : Developing User Interfaces with XML: Advances on User Interface Description Languages
Limbourg, Q., Vanderdonckt, J., Michotte, B., Bouillon, L., Víctor López Jaquero : UsiXML: a Language Supporting Multi-Path Development of User Interfaces
Vanderdonckt, J., Limbourg, Q., Michotte, B., Bouillon, L., Trevisan, D., Florins, M. : UsiXML: a User Interface Description Language for Specifying Multimodal User Interfaces
Florins, M., Vanderdonckt, J. : Graceful Degradation of User Interfaces as a Design Method for Multiplatform Systems
Limbourg, Q., Vanderdonckt, J. : Multimodality and Context-aware Adaptation
Limbourg, Q., Vanderdonckt, J. : Addressing the Mapping Problem in User Interface Design with UsiXM
Limbourg, Q., Vanderdonckt, J., Michotte, B., Bouillon, L., Florins, M. : UsiXML: A User Interface Description Language Supporting Multiple Levels of Independence
Limbourg, Q., Vanderdonckt, J., Michotte, B., Bouillon, L., Florins, M., Trevisan, D. : UsiXML: A User Interface Description Language for Context-Sensitive User Interfaces
Stanciulescu, A., Limbourg, Q., Vanderdonckt, J. : Graful-modalitate de reprezentare a elementelor interfetei cu utilizatorul
Furtado, E., Furtado, V., Soares Sousa, K., Vanderdonckt, J., Limbourg, Q. : KnowiXML: A Knowledge-Based System Generating Multiple Abstract User Interfaces in UsiXML
Schlungbaum, E., Elwert, T. : Automatic User Interface Generation from Declarative Models
Puerta, A. : The MECANO Project: Comprehensive and Integrated Support for Model-Based Interface Development
Yamaoka, T., Nishida, S. : A Case-Based Design Support Method Incorporated with Designer's Intention Recognition
Puerta, A.R. : Issues in Automatic Generation of User Interfaces in Model-Based Systems
Wilson, S. : Reflections on Model-Based Design: Definitions and Challenges
Contreras, J., Saiz, F. : A Framework for the Automatic Generation of Software Tutoring
Lonczewski, F., Schreiber, S. : The FUSE-System: an Integrated User Interface Design Environment
Märtin, Ch. : Software Life Cycle Automation for Interactive Applications: The AME Design Environment
Wilson, S., Johnson, P. : Bridging the Generation Gap: From Work Tasks to User Interface Designs
Tarby, J.-C., Barthet, M.-F. : The DIANE+ Method
Harning, M.B. : An Approach to Structured Display Design - Coping with Conceptual Complexity
Balzert, H., Hofmann, F., Kruschinski, V., Niemann, Ch. : The JANUS Application Development Environment - Generating More than the User Interface
Bauer, B. : Generating User Interfaces from Formal Specifications of the Application
Farenc, Ch., Liberati, V., Barthet, M.-F. : Automatic Ergonomic Evaluation: What are the Limits?
Comber, T., Maltby, J.R. : Investigating Layout Complexity
Zalik, B. : An Interactive Constraint-Based Graphics System with Partially Constrained Form-Features
Farhat, S., Fluhr, Ch. : A Tool for Adapting Visual Interfaces to Blind People
Copas, C.V., Edmonds, E.A. : Declarative Interaction through Interactive Planners
Bastide, R., Palanque, P.A. : Implementation Techniques for Petri Net Based Specifications of Human-Computer Dialogues
Szekely, P. : Retrospective and Challenges for Model-Based Interface Development