The FUSE-System: an Integrated User Interface Design Environment

With the FUSE (Formal User Interface Specification Environment)–System we present a methodology and a set of integrated tools for the automatic generation of graphical user interfaces. FUSE provides tool–based support for all phases (task , user–, problem domain analysis, design of the logical user interface, design of user interface in a particular layout style) of the user interface development process. Based on a formal specification of dialogue– and layout guidelines, FUSE allows the automatic generation of user interfaces out of specifications of the task , problem domain– and user–model. Moreover, the FUSE–System incorporates a component for the automatic generation of powerful help– and user guidance components. In this paper, we describe the FUSE–methodology by modelling user interfaces of an ISDN phone simulation. Furthermore, the two major components of FUSE (BOSS, PLUG–IN) are presented: The BOSS–System supports the design of the logical user interface and the for-mal specification of layout guidelines. PLUG–IN generates task–based help– and user guidance components.
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces I, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces (CADUI'1996), June 5-7, 1996, Namur, Belgium
Presses Universitaires de Namur