Farenc, Ch., Liberati, V., Barthet, M.-F. : Automatic Ergonomic Evaluation: What are the Limits?
Automatic Ergonomic Evaluation: What are the Limits?
There are currently automatic evaluation tools the purpose of which is to implement the knowledge gained by ergonomics experts, with a view to enabling non-experts and particularly user interface designers themselves to carry out this evaluation. Capturing the description of the User Interface to evaluate automatically this interface is one of the main objectives of these automatic evaluation tools. The question that comes to mind is knowing the limits of these tools and just how far evaluation computerisation can go. This article presents a study whose aim is to precise the qualitative and quantitative aspects of those limits.
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces I, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces (CADUI'1996), June 5-7, 1996, Namur, Belgium