Distributed User Interfaces (DUIs) have been imagined in order to support end users in carrying out interactive tasks that could be distributed in space (e.g., some subtasks are carried out in different locations) and time (e.g., some subtasks are carried out during different time intervals, depending on who is contributing to the task. Classical interactive applications involving a single-user, single-context user interface are rarely developed in a way that distributing parts or whole of the user interface is made effective and efficient. In order to facilitate the deployment of such distributed user interfaces, this thesis provides the following contributions: a series of models capturing the various aspects of a DUI based on new concepts (i.e. distribution scene and scenario), an engineering method for specifying DUIs based on these concepts, and a supporting toolkit providing the developers with distribution primitives.
Melchior, J.
ACM Press, New York,
Proc. of 3rd ACM Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems