Libório, A., Furtado, E., Rocha, I., Furtado, V. :
Interface design through knowledge-based systems: an approach centered on explanations from problem-solving models
The process of generating user interfaces is complex and demands a great deal of effort from the specialist, because there are several possible combinations and uncertainties regarding any one option. We believe that the modeling of HCI concepts and of the knowledge of all parties involved is of great importance, as well as the reuse of this modeling to automate and optimize such process. Therefore, we are proposing a KBS (Knowledge-Based System) that represents the knowledge of the interface designers. This System possesses the feature of interactivity, so that the user can have an explanation of the results produced, thus improving the understanding and acceptance of the proposed interface. Furthermore, the system allows for its knowledge base to be modified. We applied the proposed method to generate an abstract user interface for a system of email control and for a system of simulation of criminal activity.
Libório, A., Furtado, E., Rocha, I., Furtado, V.
ACM Press, New York
Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop on Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design