A Methodology for Developing User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems
Supporting business processes with the help of workflow systems is a necessary prerequisite for many companies to stay competitive. An important task is the specification of workflow, i.e. these parts of a business process that can be supported by a computer system. This paper is about the definition and development of user interfaces for workflow information systems. XML-based user interface description languages express various aspects of the user interfaces, including the abstract and concrete elements of the user interface, the tasks to be performed by the users, and the user interface dialogue. We have developed a framework for expressing workflow aspects, and using UsiXML for rendering the user interfaces.
Josefina Guerrero-Garcia, Jean Vanderdonckt
Thales Research and Technology France, Paris
Proc. of 1st Int. Workshop on User Interface eXtensible Markup Language UsiXML'2010
A Methodology for Developing User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems (power point)
A Methodology for Developing User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems (pdf)